
2 months ago

        Pioneer Park Adventures

2024-2025 School Year

100th Day of School

Congratulations Mrs. Kinstler Class!!

 In December, the global Codementum Hour of Code competition brought together students from grades 3 to 6 for an exciting coding challenge. The students had the opportunity to showcase their coding skills by tackling various challenges, such as mastering coding fundamentals, utilizing repeat loops, working with variables, and manipulating arrays. Mrs. Kinstler's class achieved an outstanding third place on an international scale, which truly reflects their remarkable coding abilities and unwavering dedication to the competition.

Aaron Courtney from Jonah Bank presents the student council with a $500 donation for our penny drive.

Science Fair

Veteran's Day

Flag Football

Elevated Sports- Flag Football

Pioneer Park had their first scrimmage and came away with a tie!!

Go Pioneer Park!

2023-2024 School Year

The Cheyenne Fire Department visited Pioneer Park's Kindergarten and Pre-K students to talk about fire safety.

Mire el Árbol de donaciones de PTO cuando esté en el edificio para las conferencias de padres y maestros. 

En la clase del Sr. Campbell, los estudiantes están estudiando Mesopotamia para Estudios Sociales. Los estudiantes crearon proyectos utilizando una variedad de métodos diferentes. 

¡La clase de cuarto grado del Sr. Nash está estudiando el corazón y tuvo la oportunidad de diseccionar corazones de cordero para enriquecer su aprendizaje!

Nombre de la escuela: Escuela Primaria Pioneer Park

Día de la foto Fecha: jueves 29 de septiembre

Identificación del día de la imagen: EVT6MNC2H

Aparta la fecha para nuestra Noche de Regreso a Clases el martes 23 de agosto de 5:00 a 6:00 pm ¡Ven a conocer a tu maestro y deja los útiles!

2022-2023 School Year

The Pioneer Park staff hopes you have a wonderful summer, and we look forward to returning to school on August 24, 22 for another amazing school year!

Last Day of School Fun!

Lip Sync Battle

Pioneer Park Drama Club Presents

Flyer - Playbill para la jefa boudicca y sus temibles amigos

The 6thGrade Drama Club is busy preparing for their production of "Boss Boudicca and her Fearsome Friends," by Rebecca Lyon. We chose this funny and action-packed historical drama from the royalty-free collection of plays for young actors at Drama Notebook.


Fotografías de estudiantes en una excursión al rancho Terry Bison

Fotografías de estudiantes en una excursión al rancho Terry Bison

Second-grade field trip to Terry Bison Ranch.

The second-grade TB classes have been busy creating goods to sell at their Market Day, as they learn about economics.

Clases de segundo grado en Market Day 
Clases de segundo grado en Market Day

Clases de segundo grado en Market Day

Clases de segundo grado en Market Day

Toys for Tots Shopping

Estudiantes comprando Toys for Tots
Estudiantes comprando Toys for Tots
Estudiantes comprando Toys for Tots

Pioneer Park's penny drive raised over $500 to help purchase toys for Toys for Tots! Members of the student council went to Walmart with Mrs. Horne to pick out toys.

Science Fair

Imágenes de la Feria de Ciencias

Imágenes de la Feria de Ciencias

Imágenes de la Feria de Ciencias

4th Grade:

Participants: Clara MacKay, David Saxon, Ethan Frint, Roman Wheeler, Ewan Buss, Mia Pearlman, Ella Hernandez, Daniel Lyttle, Evie Pallak, David Snyder

Earth Science:

2nd place: David Saxon

1st place: Gemma Erickson

Energy: Physical:

1st place: Ethan Frint


1st place: Mia Pearlman

District representatives:  Gemma Erickson, Ethan Frint, and Mia Pearlman

5th grade:

Participants:  Lily Hughes Kisicky, Nolan Knepper, Aiden Crawford, Isaac Bluemel, Evie Gilfillan, Jerrick Johnke, Claire Power, Dorsett Walters, Noah Huffman, Stella Courtney, Anayah McDonald, Abigail Martin, Karley Dobbin, Olivia Hicks, Maddie Robles, Jude Dixon, Mikaela Hernandez, and Jesenyah Fox

Behavioral Science:

1st place: Lily Hughes Kisicky

Honorable Mention: 

Abigail Martin


Honorable Mention: 

Anayah McDonald 

Materials Science:

Honorable Mention: 

Jerrick Johnke

2nd place: Claire Powers

1st Place: Isaac Bluemel


1st place: Mikaela Hernandez


1st place: Olivia Hicks

District representatives:  Isaac Bluemel, Lily Hughes Kisicky, and Mikaela Hernandez

6th grade:

Participants:   Maggie Dixon, Macy Henschel, Potter Rieman, Case MacKay, Khloe Wilson, Juliana Jeffery, Boden Reiman, Bunther Buckendorf, Konnar Crow, Mikah Robles, Grace Russell, Ethany Frint, Ayden Gamo, Surya Kuchanur, Teagan Carney, Sophie Reynolds, Eli Collins, Emmett Buss, Tess Tearpak, Brody Connell, Braylon Metz, Anna Douglas, and Makenna Tiegs

Materials Science:

1st place: Boden Rieman 

Plant science:

1st place:  Khloe Wilson

Physical Science:

Honorable mention: 

Ayden Gamo & Surya Kuchanur

1st place:  Ethaney Frint


1st place:  Brody Connell & Braylon Metz

Animal Sciences:  

1st place: Anna Douglas 

District representatives:  Boden Reiman and Ethaney Frint

Tableros de cornhole diseñados y decorados por estudiantes

Students in Art class have been working on designing and decorating cornhole boards that were generously donated to Pioneer Park’s PE department. When completed we will have 10 fabulous designs to play on in PE!

Imagen del equipo de Lego Robotics en los juegos estatales de robots

Imagen del equipo de Lego Robotics en los juegos estatales de robots

Imagen del equipo de Lego Robotics en los juegos estatales de robots

Pioneer Park Lego Robotic's team earned second place in the state robot games and also won the pit decorating contest.

Pioneer Park Social Committee put together a special treat cart for Holly the Elf to push around to teachers.
Imagen de Holly the Elf y un carrito de golosinas para repartir a los maestros

Estudiantes de jardín de infantes trabajando en equipos apilando vasos para construir torres

Estudiantes de jardín de infantes trabajando en equipos apilando vasos para construir torres

Kindergarten students work on their team-building skills during STEM class, stacking cups to build a tower.

Estudiantes diseccionando corazones de ovejas en ciencias
Mr. Campbell's sixth-grade class dissected sheep hearts as a part of their science and Ancient Egypt Unit.
Estudiantes diseccionando corazones de ovejas en ciencias

Estudiantes diseccionando corazones de ovejas en ciencias

El equipo de Lego Robotics participó en la competencia distrital de robótica y ganó el 1er lugar

El equipo de Lego Robotics participó en la competencia distrital de robótica y ganó el 1er lugar

Pioneer Parks Lego Robotic's Team placed First at the District Robotic Competition.

Los estudiantes de sexto grado celebraron el final de su unidad de Egipto compartiendo proyectos elaborados en la "Fiesta del Faraón".

Mrs. McKay's sixth-graders celebrated the end of their Egypt unit by sharing elaborate projects at the "Pharaoh's Feast."

Galería de calabazas

Galería de calabazas

Kindergarten pumpkin gallery

Galería de calabazas

Pioneer Park Halloween Fun!

Disfraces de Halloween de estudiantes y personal.
Disfraces de Halloween de estudiantes y personal.

Disfraces de Halloween de estudiantes y personal.

3rd grade trolley field trip

3rd Grade trolley field trip

3rd grade trolley field trip

2nd graders showing the kidney beans they grew for their plant life cycle unit

Mrs. Renner's 2nd-grade class grew kidney beans for their study of plant life cycles and plant needs.

Pioneer Park Spirit Week!

Book character day
                   Book character day!
Book character day

El director Burningham con los estudiantes en sus trajes de Harry Potter.

Animal day

                    dia de los animales

Staff day dressed up for historical/decade day

   El personal se vistió para el día histórico/de la década.

Kindergarten dressed up for spirit week, rainbow day

Los maestros de jardín de infantes se visten para la semana del espíritu, el Día del Arco Iris

Students with the nurse showing off their rainbow colors

La enfermera Nadon muestra sus colores del arcoíris con estudiantes de sexto grado.

Dibujos a color de camaleones después de leer Un color propio

La clase de segundo grado de la Sra. Renner coloreó camaleones después de leer  A Color of His Own  de Leo Leonni.

¡ Nos levantamos levantando a otros ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Los estudiantes de primer a sexto grado de Pioneer Park crearon una instalación colaborativa de cientos de plumas con mensajes inspiradores y edificantes que transmiten bondad a los demás.

Up Coming Events

11 days ago

Parent Information Night

Wednesday, January 29th, 5:30-6:30

 This event will focus on the upcoming changes in two years beginning with the 2026-2027 school year. In two years, Pioneer Park will transition to a K-4 school, with all fifth and sixth grade students moving to designated 5-6 buildings. To help prepare for this change, representatives from the district's 5-6 schools and the gifted education program will join us to address questions and provide insights about the transition. This session is particularly relevant for families of current third and fourth graders, as these students will be the first to move to the 5-6 buildings in 2026-2027. However, all families are welcome to attend and hear the information.

Extra Curricular Activities

Flag Football

Sept 3rd - Oct 9th

Practices will be Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday from 3:45-4:45.

Scrimmages will be at Coyote Ridge from 4:00-5:00 on Thursdays. Sept 12, 19, 26, & Oct 3.

Robotics Club

Sept 11- Dec

Every Wednesday from      3:35-5:15

Girls on the Run

Sept 12 - Oct 31

Tuesday & Thursday from 3:45-5:15

Celebratory 5K Run Nov 2nd   Okie Blanchard Stadium

7:45 AM - Festivities Begin 

9:00 AM - 5K Starts

2024-2025 School Year

Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping.


Please complete online registration and address verification for the 24-25 school year now!

Book Fair

Dear Families:

Get ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way (YAY!). Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them on their journey to becoming lifelong readers. And—as always—every purchase at the Fair benefits our school.

Here's what you need to know about the big event, which will take place from Monday, November 13 -Friday, November 17 in the Pioneer Park Library. Students are welcome to shop daily and during their library times, parents are welcome from 3:30-4:15 each day.

Say goodbye to cash and hello to eWallet—your child's digital payment account. Before the Fair, set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases. Anyone can contribute! Share each child's eWallet so friends and family can add funds and give your kids more books to enjoy.

If you can't make it to the Fair, then shop at our school's Book Fair online. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Every online purchase will also benefit our school.

Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/pioneerpark

The countdown to more Book joy is on! Catch you at the Fair!

Happy reading,

Pioneer Park Elementary School

Class picture Day!

Mrs. Courtney's 2nd grade and Mrs. Kinstler's 5th grade students planned, produced, and printed our first school newspaper and are so excited to share it with you!

Pioneer Park Press - picture of the pioneer park logo

District School Year Calendars
Community Athletic Resources page
Nutrition Services